Moncton Video Conferencing Services

Eunota is available with video conferencing services to help you set up discoveries, depositions, meetings, and more to save on travel costs


Video Conferencing Services in Moncton

Eunota Court Reporting has equipment available to allow for video conferencing for the purpose of discovery, deposition, private meeting, and more. We can also provide recording and transcription services for these meetings to allow for greater administrative ease of all parties involved. Video conferencing is an excellent option for those trying to collect evidence who are not in a similar geographic area by cutting travel costs dramatically. Eunota has experience offering this service internationally. Common platforms include Skype, WebEx, and Zoom.

Generally, the law firm sets up the video conferencing line but Eunota is able to set this up as well. 


The Process Explained

First, a venue will be need to be secured for the party based in New Brunswick. Eunota Court Reporting is able to secure a location if none are otherwise booked. After the venue is booked, the person will meet with a Eunota representative where they will log into the video conferencing service to ensure audio and video is working well. If needed, Eunota is able to swear or affirm the person in their presence (we offer Commissioner of Oaths services free of charge for video conferencing clients).  Depending whether or not recording services are requested, the group will go on the record. Parties will discuss until the meeting’s end, where we will then go off record and end the video conference meeting.

Video conferencing offers a very similar feel to meeting in person, just minus large travel costs. Today’s technology offers this possibility, and it is becoming more and more common in the legal field. If you are interested in exploring this option for your next discovery, deposition, or private meeting, please get in touch with us at the coordinates below.


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