Commissioner of Oaths Services


Oaths and Affirmations Explained

Oaths are statements made with a swearing to God (or other higher power) that they are true. They are accompanied by putting a hand on the Bible, Quran, Eagle Feather, or other religious item of the person’s choice. An affirmation is just as legally binding but does not include a religious connection – it is a promise on one’s own conscience. Affirmations are a good option for atheists or agnostics who are not comfortable swearing to a single supreme being.


Commissioner of Oaths Role

In New Brunswick, a Commissioner of Oaths’ role is to be physically present during the swearing and/or affirming of the truth and subsequent signing of legal documents by members of the public. The Commissioner of Oaths ensures that the oath, affirmation, or declaration is properly administered in order to be valid for use in New Brunswick courts. This also includes verbal evidence that is collected in discoveries and depositions – no signatures are required, but a verbal swearing or affirming of telling the truth is needed before proceeding to examination.


Documents that can require a Commissioner of Oaths can include:

– Swearing in for discovery or deposition

– Affidavits

– Declarations

– Affirmations

– Insurance claims

– Separation agreements

– Children travelling abroad

– Declaration for pension

– Signature witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths


Benefits to hiring a Commissioner of Oaths

As a general rule, Commissioner of Oaths are much more affordable than a lawyer for your legal document signing needs. Additionally, they tend to be more flexible with schedules and can often meet you at your home or office to witness and sign your documents.


Eunota’s Commissioner of Oaths Service

Eunota’s team has Commissioner of Oaths appointed by the Financial and Consumer Services Commission in both French and English. If you are in need of a Commissioner of Oaths in Moncton, Dieppe, Riverview, Sackville, Sussex, Bouctouche, Shediac, Port Elgin, and surrounding area, please get in touch with us today to discuss your needs.


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